Caution: Simulation date not current!

Customs Tariff portal Availability Declaration

We are aware that availability is the process we work on every day.

The Ministry of Finance (Ministry) undertakes to ensure the availability of the website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital availability of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

The availability statement applies to the website

Website publication date: .

Date of last major update: .

Digital accessibility status

The website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital availability of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to non-compliances or exclusions listed below:

  1. it may happen that, despite the best efforts of the website editors of the site, certain documents published on the website are unavailable, due to the fact that:

    • they come from various sources,

    • they were published on the basis of rules adopted in another institution,

    • they were published prior to the entry into force of the Digital Availability Act.

  2. it may happen that in search results an empty page without a message informing about lack of search results will be returned,

  3. skip links mechanism is not implemented,

  4. on some pages headers structure may be disordered,

  5. it may happen that some labels in tooltips or model windows have invalid translation,

  6. the "toTop" button visible on larger pages is skipped in keyboard navigation,

  7. it may happen that elements of simulation date are improperly read by the screen reader,

  8. a warning message about outdated simulation date is not read by the screen reader.

The Ministry makes every effort to ensure that the indicated inconsistencies and exclusions, where possible, are removed and corrected, and that the website is digitally accessible to the widest possible audience of the service.

Accessibility declaration preparation

Declaration was made on: .

The declaration was last reviewed and updated on: .

The declaration has been prepared on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by a public body.

Keyboard shortcuts

Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Feedback and contact details

In case of problems with the accessibility of the website, submit a question, comment or problem by email to: The contact person is: Jacek Krysztofiak.

By the same means you can submit:

  • a request for inaccessible information,

  • a complaint about the lack of provision of accessibility.

Handling accessibility request and complaints

You have the right to request the provision of accessibility of a digital website, mobile application or some element thereof. You can also request that the information be made available in alternative forms, for example by reading a digitally inaccessible document or describing the content of a film without an audio description.

In the content of your request:

  • provide your details,

  • indicate which website or mobile application you are referring to,

  • indicate the way to contact you,

  • specify the form of the information if you require it in an alternative form.

We will fulfil your request immediately and no later than within 7 days. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, we will inform you immediately when it will be possible to fulfil the request - this deadline will not be longer than 2 months. If it is not possible to provide accessibility, we will offer you an alternative means of accessing the information.

If we refuse to comply with a request to provide accessibility or alternative access to information, you will be able to lodge a complaint against such action.

Once you have exhausted all possibilities, you will also be able to send your complaint to the Ombudsman (the page opens in new window).

Architectural accessibility

Detailed information on the architectural accessibility of the Ministry of Finance building can be found on the Ministry's website under Information for persons with mobility disabilities (the page opens in a new window and is available only in Polish).

Moreover, in relation to the Act on Sign Language and Other Means Communication (Journal of Laws of 2023 item 20), the Ministry has extended the catalogue of services that enable persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to contact the office. More information on this can be found on the Ministry's website under Information for people who are deaf or hard of hearing (the page opens in a new window and is available only in Polish).

Information on the architectural accessibility of the premises of the National Revenue Administration units can be found on the websites of these units under the tab: Settling matters / Accessibility. Go to the list of websites of KAS units (the page opens in a new window and is available only in Polish).